Nellie Allen

3 years ago

So my step dad is currently an inpatient here. My ...

So my step dad is currently an inpatient here. My step sisters came from Idaho to help support my mom and their dad during this time. Banner's current visitation restrictions because of covid are one person can visit once per day and virtual visitations are encouraged. So, for our family when one person goes in, they initiate the virtual call with other family members on the line. When my mother cannot go in, the family member will turn the call to the doctor or nurse so that my mother can get an update (my mother is also a nurse). Well today, the nurse and her supervisor stated that my step dad can no longer have virtual calls because we had been recording them. First of all, this is banners policy for visits. Second, my mother needs to he informed on his current status and care because he is having numerous health issues at the moment. Thirdly, the family has not recorded any calls with staff or taken any pictures of them. Our family had only taken a few pictures of the chat to keep other family members updated. In no way were any hospital staff ever recorded or pictures taken. Are these staff members so vain that they honestly believe we want pictures or video of them? A virtual call is no different then a regular call to get an update.

Why was this never an issue with any other patient in the banner universe? If banner staff had concerns about something like this then maybe they should bring it up with administration instead of chastising an already upset family. In closing, if you can choose somewhere else to go for your family's Healthcare needs, I would highly encourage you to do so. Banner does not have you or your family's best interests in mind.


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