4 years ago

I normally do not do this, I always try to give pe...

I normally do not do this, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt and I always try to find a positive in every situation. My son has a cluster of issues that he has been overcoming for about 8 years now. He has Aspergers, ADHD, Depression, High anxiety, along with others. My son needs a steady Doctor who cares to really HELP him.
We are absolutely disgusted with Directions for Living since they closed the Largo office and moved my son to the Clearwater Office. It has been nothing but problems, from changing my sons Doctor numerous times without notifying us, to the Medical assistant almost calling in the wrong prescription to our pharmacy because she thought my sons name was Brittney (HOW!?!?), to wasted time sitting in their office. After going through a few Doctors my son finally was set with Dr. Ronald Rempfer, and although he seems to be a nice Doctor, we NEVER get to see him! THREE times in the past two month we went for a scheduled appointment and never got to see him!
1st time we waited in the waiting room for THREE hours, until 7pm, just to reschedule the appointment! During those 3 hours NOT ONE receptionist communicated with us as to why we were still waiting. I finally could not take it anymore and asked to reschedule.
2nd most recent issue, we arrived for our morning appointment that we rescheduled after waiting for three hours on our previous visit, only to find out that Dr. Rempfer is not even scheduled to be in the office that day! They asked if we could see a different Doctor and wait until 2pm! After telling them that I could not wait until 2pm, they took my son almost immediately but my 14 year old son had to see an ADULT Doctor. WHY would someone not call me to reschedule and just call in his prescription to his pharmacy?? This was a wasted trip and not necessary!
3rd visit, which was today, was the icing on the cake! After so many issues over the past few months, I called the office yesterday to confirm our appointment at 8:30 this morning. (I called to confirm the appointment because for some reason, their office does not give calls to confirm anymore). They assured me that we had the 1st appointment for the day and that everything was scheduled correctly. When arriving today, the receptionist asked if they could call in a refill for my son because Dr. Rempfer was out of the office today. WHY would someone not call me to save me a trip!?!? I m not sure if the office realizes what working parents must move their daily commitments for Doctor Appointment . But we had to start our day at 5am today, CLOSE our business for 2 hours, and travel a decent distance to assure arriving on time.
These are only the most recent issues. I could be here all day typing if I would list them all.

The lack of communication at the Clearwater Directions for living is EXTREMELY frustrating. I understand that mistakes happen, and sometimes something just comes up and the Dr. cannot see a patient But if someone would just COMMUNICATE with us that could fix a lot!
At the Largo Office we always felt like the staff cared. The Doctors were outstanding and would take the time to see my son. It is sad to say, But the Clearwater office just functions (hardly functions, but functions). There is no compassion. It does not seem like anyone truly CARES about our children. No one takes the time to actually talk to my son to see how he is doing. They all just get refills and are getting lost in the shuffle. I am not okay with that!

We are looking for a new office ASAP and I would not recommend this office to anyone. I feel really bad for some of the ladies stuck in the front office who have to constantly make excuses as to why things are ran so poorly. They take the heat for everything! I m surprised some have stuck around this long.


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