4 years ago

I have been trying to get a family member into th...

I have been trying to get a family member into this institution since last Friday. On Friday we were told that there was a bed available. They said that they faxed the paperwork to the doctor's office, however the doctors office said that they never received it.
As a result my family member had another Emergency Room visit and has suffered since Friday. When I called them this morning, that one bed they had available; that we thought she was going to get was given to somebody else. My biggest complaint is that I have been working with them since Friday and 7:50 this morning trying to get the paperwork completed. At 11:50 I was informed by Brianna in admissions that the bed had been given to somebody else. If the bed was given to somebody else why didn't they call me and let me know that my mother lost her spot, so that I could have spent the better part of the day finding another location for her. Brianna's answer was I'm sorry I guess I dropped the ball on that. My advice is : if you need a bed drive there, get the paperwork take it to your doctor's office yourself, stand there while the doctor fills it out, and take it back to the facility don't rely on the errors of others to get your loved one into a facility.


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