Rose Sanger

4 years ago



I was a little nervous having never tried Persian food before and due to the location but this place was amazing.

The venue is small maybe 4-5 sets of different sized tables on each side, we had to book and there was only a choice of 1 time for each day remaining (for me that was a good sign).

Lovely atmosphere not too loud, no blaring music.

To start we ordered hummus which comes with this delicious sesame seed naan (not pictured because we were too hungry!) And they gave a bowl of delicious balsamic and pomegranate olives for the table.

We had 2 colbeh specials which is two types of lamb skewers and saffron chicken. We got this with chips (comes with the meal).

We also ordered a side salad which looks delicious! We didn't get to try it because we were too full so they let us take it home! (Lunch pending!!!)

We had a bottle of Peroni and a glass of wine.


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