Apni Delhi

4 years ago

They came to Bangalore as a new launch and as a ma...

They came to Bangalore as a new launch and as a marketing funda launched few batches stating Free training (Which was their decision as per a marketing strategy and noone asked them) And took the books fee and whoever was interested in exams.
It seems they didn t get enough people as per their expectations and started random classes as per their conveneince without proper advance notification which obviously professionals can t attend. They gave the recorded session then which is against Redhat s policy. So many excuses for delayed classes, incomplete sessions or alternate teachers who themselves were brushing up on the topics stating Vimal is not well though he kept delivering other professional trainings. This is their professionalism which working people clearly understood and complained. Still they kept on delaying for quite long and finally deleted the whatsapp group scamming people for a lot of money.
Noone paid them for random or recorded sessions and better tutorials are available on Youtube for Free. The complains were raised to Redhat and to 1 2 people they refunded the money. It was escalated to Redhat s Global Directory Randy Russell and he told to look into the matter.
Also the dump question s-solution email was forwarded to him, which they provided to one of the student who enrolled for such exam. Redhat stated to look seriously into the matter not sure what exactly happened till date, as they are still running batches and exams with such dumps stating world Record which is all fake on the basis of those dumps. People across the globe working hard for those exams and these guys are ruining the talent and name of our Country with such unethical practices.
Not sure as someone commented about their personal relation, but if Preeti is providing such dumps then surely Vimal is aware of it and that is called cheating which technical people don t appreciate neither do any genuine Cloud/Certification matter. So nothing technical.

We are just waiting for the courts to open to file a cheating case against them for taking our money without services.
Also on the name of Making India future ready they are teaching students how to cheat in exams and if you notice only students are falling prey to their lucrative offers which are costly than better courses available in Udemy. If you really wanna do good in your technical life, then avoid them and learn technology from international instructors in Udemy instead of such people who claim to be good instructor. With this reality any one can understand what they are learning from them and what is the reality.
Industry asks for your knowledge and not for certification. You would see after years and from your joining day in company that people don t care for certification if you don t have the knowledge. Still for the students they are making fool for 2 to 5k, you can get much better course in udemy from Rs. 360 to & 720. More details you would see soon once the courts in India are fully functional


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