Brandon Stratton

3 years ago

Went to the dealership a few times over the past y...

Went to the dealership a few times over the past year..reason being something was not keeping my battery full...they made me believe my door pins were shot....my passenger cosmetic sun visor button was broke they charged me almost 300$ and the problem still persisted....dealt with the problem by installing a kill switch on negative terminal...but battery would still after awhile lose charge and leave me dead...so once again I go there and they convince me my battery is shot and that a spacer is corroded with rusty like substance...so new battery only because I was told it was dead...so I figured I would take my battery back and get my money...ran good for a few weeks..then dead again..called Terry or Jerry main guy at missoula service and he said if I need a jump call him...I got it jumped myself and immediately Went to dealership..granted it was busy and they got me in...said my negative cable was loose...I left the shop later that evening I look at battery and they didn't even fix loose cable..I did it at work later that evening...problem still persist Easter morning I'm dead....630am trying to go to work..I got a jump went to walmart and got jump pack..100$....not happy and today I go to a very good electrical shop and there is no drain..but they did cut the plastic off the post and install new battery post good ones...you should have seen the corrosion that was built up under the plastic....problem solved...the draw went down dradtically...I can't believe these overpaid service techs didn't even address this issue after three visits...horrible service in my opinion...I feel I got ripped off for all the money I spent there trying to solve this problem...this other shop addressed the problem in thirty minutes....thankyou Chris for fixing my Cadillac...


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