Colleen Palmer

3 years ago

1) Allowed 30 minutes to get me to an appointment ...

1) Allowed 30 minutes to get me to an appointment but took 40 minutes to arrive after 3 calls to the service.
2) Telephonist refused to send me a taxi because I would not specify I was going to a medical or work related appointment. I said I was going local. Really I could have said I was going to a medical appointment and gone to the other side of the city. Somewhat over the top by a smart power hungry telephonist by the name of Paula. As a result I will no longer use Blue Star and have been given the green light to use another company. Shame really as I am an old Blue Star employee, both switch room and driver and have remained faithful for 30 years. This will possibly give the government dept responsible for payment of my transport the impetus to use another company.


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