Matt White

4 years ago

I was very disappointed by this property. For over...

I was very disappointed by this property. For over $269 a night - I wish I had had a more enjoyable experience.

Arrivng early in the day, room wasn't ready, so I checked my bag with the bellman. Later in the day, after checking in, I asked for my bag. The person at the front desk (there were 3 at the time) said the bellman was busy assisting another guest and that I should take my claim ticket to the door man and he would get my bag for me. Really? The doorman was roughly 50 feet away from the front desk. Couldn't the person at the front desk have gone and done this for me if they were truly interested in helping me? Obviously they were not.

Bewildered, I got to my room (1622) and immediately crashed being so tired from traveling all day...not really noticing the room or the amenities. Bed was comfortable though. When I woke up, I realized they had booked me into a wheel chair accessible room. Pretty much everything, shower included, was mounted at about 3.5 feet off the ground with huge hand rails around everything. I'm 6 foot 5 inches tall so this was not the "ideal" room for me. You would think that the person that checked me in would have realized this...

On my way out for a day full of meetings, I stopped at the front desk to complain about the room. They offered to switch me to a new room, gave me new keys, and said that my bag would be placed in the new room fro me. Wonderful, right? Umm, no. I returned late in the day to find that they had moved me to (601), sixth floor front corner of building. There is a VERY busy thoroughfare that runs in front of the Omni. Traffic running pretty much all hours of the day and night. Well, there was an hour or so around 3am where there wasn't much noise.
This, and the room, especially the bathroom tile, was in very poor condition. I will post pictures.

On top of all this, the internet connection was constantly kicking me off. Calling the front desk for help with this - gets you transferred to offsite IT help. Second time I called, front desk transfers me, the IT person picked up, I explain the situation. They told me that front desk had transferred me to wrong IT dept and that he (person from IT) would notify the front desk of this and my problem and that front desk would get back to me. They, the front desk or IT never did get back to me. I ended up fumbling around and fixing it myself.

I have traveled to many countries and have been fortunate enough to stay at several fine establishments, Westins, JW Marriotts, Oberois, and this place is not one of them.

I only give it 2 stars because it is in a very good location.


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