Meg Robbins

3 years ago

This is one of the WORST realty management compani...

This is one of the WORST realty management companies to ever exist. If you are a parent of a student of IUP it would be in your best interest to never rent anything from these people. My son lived in one of their "units" last semester. He and his roommate were robbed twice, nothing was ever done about it. When the property manager was asked to look at the video tapes from the cameras at the door we received no response. Then two days later they are removing the cameras from the building. This is because they were "dummy" cameras and never worked to begin with. Also when he moved in the place was DISGUSTING!! The carpet was NEVER cleaned, the bathroom and kitchen were both vile. This was noted in the lease before he even moved in. However when he moved out this "company" sends us a bill for $800.00 to replace the already nasty carpet and the proceeded to tell us that they had to clean the bathroom, kitchen and fridge and they were charging us for it!! WHAT!! We cleaned everything in this unit and left it better than we found it, which was not hard to do since it was vile to begin with. My own mother cleaned the bathroom on her hands and knees!
When the second robbery happened, I sent a certified letter to the realty company and the president of the college. I did not expect a response from the college, I was just making it known to them what happened to one of their student in their town at their school. But the realty company I expected to hear from on such a serious matter. You know what I heard, crickets. NOTHING!! The people at this waste of a company did not even have the professional courtesy to contact me in regards to these incidents. This company is terrible!! There units are disgusting, the people who work there do not know the first thing about how to do their job and they are a rip off.
Best part....I am a property manager for a living, in care of over 500 homes, and would never treat anyone in any of our properties with the utter disrespect and unprofessional behavior as these people.


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