Michael Miller

3 years ago

Update in reply to Urbanspace:

Update in reply to Urbanspace:
1) No, we were never given valid CAD files for our unit. You know that. It's why I flew to Austin to try to get access to the unit, which you denied. There were numerous email exchanges with one nonsensical excuse (e.g. elevator access even though there were already residents living in the building) after another about why we could not have access to take measurements and confirm electrical layout.
2) No electrical plans were ever shared. We did manage to get some electrical plans from Service Tech, but these were completely inaccurate as I shared with you. We only knew these were inaccurate due to the video walk through of the unit.
3) We purchased remotely and never viewed documents in the construction center.
4) We were denied access to the unit by Urbanspace (not the developer). We were told pre-Docusign that access to the unit for a valid reason would not be an issue. Our buyers agent and your agent even had a discussion about coordinating the same. As I've shared with you, both AHP and CIM (owner/developer for the project) confirmed that they did not close access to units. Maria (your agent) confidentially shared that she was willing to take the time to show the unit, but that her management wanted her to stay focused on selling.

Standard follow through that we've seen from other seller's agents for other properties post Docusign just did not happen with Urbanspace.

The worst sellers agent (or buyers) experience we have ever had in purchasing property across 7 cities and 4 states.

I stand completely behind every single point in my review.

Original review

We've been quite fortunate in working with great seller's and buyer's agents in buying property across 7 cities and 4 states. I suppose we were bound to work at some point with a bad one, which unfortunately was the case with our first purchase in Texas.

Having now been through the entire cycle of our purchase with Urbanspace as the seller's agent, they are the worst real estate services company we have ever worked with.
- Blatantly inaccurate answers
- No follow through once Docusign is done

Before the Docusign, they were quick to provide answers (many completely wrong) and make promises about future follow through. This included basic requests like access to accurate electrical and floor plans, unit features, whether utilities were sub-metered, access to our unit for measurements before closing, etc.

Once the Docusign was signed ... crickets. After repeated escalation to senior management, the answer was "it's not our job and read the contract." Access to our unit for basic measurements that we were told by Urbanspace would not be an issue before closing were denied. Claims were made by Urbanspace that the owner/developer was blocking access to the building. After closing, I had the opportunity to speak at length with the owner/developers and they were emphatic that no such directive came from them. They were surprised and a bit shocked that we were denied access to our unit pre-closing for basic measurements.

The honest answer as to why we were not given access ... Urbanspace did not want to waste time dealing with a customer that had already signed. They wanted the sales rep to focus on selling, not on customer service and follow through. The gist of the Urbanspace sales rep's comment to me about access to our unit was ... I'm fine spending the time to escort you for access to your unit, but my management wants me to focus on selling.

Points to keep in mind when dealing with Urbanspace:
1. If it is not explicitly in the contract, do not expect follow through from Urbanspace.
2. Do not expect that the answers from Urbanspace on the property they are selling are accurate or honest.
3. Once you've completed the Docusign, getting any follow through or customer service from Urban space should not be expected. Get what you need, before you sign.

Urbanspace is the type of realty services company that gives realtors a bad name.


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