Sally Metcalfe

4 years ago

It's a sad reflection on the state of aged care in...

It's a sad reflection on the state of aged care in this country, that "it's not terrible" is about the best we can hope for at an aged care facility. So Lions Haven is not terrible, but on a good many things, they certainly do not provide the kind of care they gush about on their website. Let me first make the following disclaimer - there are some carers there who are genuinely caring and lovely. Same goes for the office staff - lovely. But on a day to day basis, the care by the domestic staff is often pretty slap dash. Carers it seems, are not paid enough to show genuine empathy or to solve fairly basic problems when they arise. Concern, patience and initiative are above their pay grade and a shrug or an attitude of "too bad" prevails. At least one carer has berated my father in law for being untidy (he is a fall risk and can't be responsible for housekeeping). I am also only too well aware that some carers speak to my father in law with one tone when we are in earshot and quite another when they think we're not listening. And he's been blamed for meal mix ups and missed showers - even though he has cognitive problems that mean that he can't be relied upon to make competent decisions. I know elderly people aren't always easy - but he's actually a nice man and it's upsetting to see him in distress as he is, far too often. Have we spoken to staff about these issues? Of course we have, but it's a systemic problem and while we are assured by management one week that matters will be attended to, the next week we are shaking our heads and dealing with the very same issues yet again.
So it's probably not the worst aged care facility around - but that's a sad indictment of the way we expect our elderly to live out their final years.
A heartfelt thank you to the aged care workers who genuinely deserve the title of "carer", but to Lions Haven I would say - look more carefully at the people in your employ. The sign on your door says "the standard you walk past is the standard you accept". i think your standard of what's acceptable must differ greatly from mine....


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