Jesse Fleischman

4 years ago

I'm sorry to say what I'm about to say. Mind you,...

I'm sorry to say what I'm about to say. Mind you, I am speaking only about Sharp Birch Patrick Rehab Center, which is located on the Sharp Chula Vista medical cemter Campus, not the rest of the highly capable facilities on this lovely campus.

Twice in one week, the Doctor in charge had attempted to discharge an elderly family member, prior to being seen for a post surgery exam by a qualified orthopedist or surgeon.
On top of that, to make matters worse, they wanted her out, on Labor Day weekend.

Adding insult to injury, Naima, the case worker that we were assigned, has shown that she is under- trained,lacks enthusiasm, compassion for others, knowledge and proven resources to conduct herself as a fully functioning social worker. She is callous, lazy, incompetent and offered NO constructive assistance in placing this individual at an assisted living facility to continue their convalescence successfully. Unless you consider handing the sole surviving family member a business card from a broker who specializes in placing seniors in assisted living and basically telling them "good luck, you're now on your own, I've done my job." WELL, TO BE HONEST I'm still waiting for that lazy so and so to attempt to put an honest effort into doing her job properly, a position that she is being so highly compensated for.

For the first failed attempted discharge we were given 6 days notice, Resulting in us filing a formal appeal with the company that Medicare subcontracts to handle disputed release dates.

The clincher is this patient is considered highly intelligent and articulate, having earned 4 Master's degrees over the course of her life, possessing the ability to carry on a conversation while completing the New York Times crossword puzzle (in ink) in under 20 minutes, daily. She was supposedly evaluated by the head honcho, whether he even met her personally is questionable. Implying that she was confused and unable to manage her own medication.
I'm pretty sure he's being coerced or pressured by the insurance companies and has demonstrated through his actions that his main motivation is higher profit margins and then, he, needless to say, pulled the same B.S. this week compelling us to file another appeal for the identical reason.

The rapidly aging facility, itself is kept very clean, but it doesn't carry it's age well, despite the new, near completed parking structure.

The nursing staff is very kind, competent and friendly demonstrating that they do care from their smiling faces and courteous greetings to the enthusiastic way with which they conduct themselves while they perform their job duties with great zeal and enthusiasm.

So, the bottom line is that the decision makers here are incompetent and motivated by the almighty dollar ignoring the needs of those they've taken an oath to serve.



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