Mark Dailey

3 years ago

I'm not quite sure what the low ratings are about....

I'm not quite sure what the low ratings are about. I just sold them 6 silver dollars (c 1922) and got a fair price (fair meaning market value NOT fair as opposed to good or excellent - excellent on that scale). I got there six minutes after they closed and the employee locking the door still let me in and helped me (They were closing an hour early for Memorial Day weekend and I was unaware.). The employee that helped me was a couple of decades younger than I, but clearly knew what he was doing.

I inherited quite a few coins from my father so I'm no stranger to this process. I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, but I know how to use Google, and have sold coins a few times over the past 10 years. That being said, I wasn't even close to being low-balled or cheated.

I suspect that the low ratings might be due to unrealistic expectations. You probably can get a better price on eBay, but on eBay YOU are the retailer for all intents and purposes. There will always be a slight adjustment when selling to a retailer. If you think you got cheated take your items to a 'we buy gold' store that is NOT a legitimate coin dealer and see what they offer you.


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