Ester D. P.

4 years ago

(from a small speech)

(from a small speech)
Apart from the professionalism and excellence of the hospital, but I would abolish private visits. they make them last as little as possible, every question "about their physical condition" seems to be taking away their soul. although private the visit to the first email they answer (by appointment and money) to the second due to the doubts of the poor we patients nobody shows up. then there are those who have their own business and various intrigues which they divert to others (family members - collaborators) to continue their rehabilitation ...
There are professors and arrogant professors, they can open a body as they please but have no personality.
In hindsight, I would have accepted the free follow-up visits with the hospital outpatient clinic.
I recommend the hospital, of course, who more than Rizzoli.


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