4 years ago

Guys i will share another bad experience with the ...

Guys i will share another bad experience with the service department at dvn hyundai today.So i used an online tool to make a service appointment for my santa fe turbo, today is tuesday and i wanted to make an appointment for tomorrow but it didnt give me an option for tomorrow and directed me to the dates that the appointments were available, so i booked an appointment for thursday may the 30th/19 for 1pm. An hour or so later some asian lady with a very thick accent called from the service department, i could barely make out what she was saying, i THINK thats what she said that the time i booked is not available so i asked her why did your system let me book if that time wasnt available? she rudely hung up on me without saying a word. like seriously!! so i had to call 3 times to get a hold of her. So i asked why did you hang up, now she started making excuses. so now i think she said that she doesnt have anything available till june 12 which is 15 days from now! i said thats way too long of a wait. she said sorry and that she couldnt do anything about it and bye and thats it. 15 days to get any type of service done at this location i think its ridiculous guys. i think someone from hyundai head office should sit down with the manager at this service department and talk to him about reducing the service time and who he should put behind the phone to communicate with customers. Someone who people can understand would be greatly appreciated.
review written on May 28/19.


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