3 years ago

I want to warn other receiving therapy that if the...

I want to warn other receiving therapy that if they are exposed to someone with covid, Alderwood does not prioritize informing the patients. We were exposed on oct 12, and though Alderwood acknowledged they knew for days did not call and email us until 12 days later.
Update: after reading my review one of the drs (not my dr) called me. She defended not telling us until day 12 by saying that the person who potentially exposed us was asymptotic. I pushed back because when we went in for our appointment (day 7 after possible exposure) the person who substituted for our usual person told us this person was out sick. The dr told me that technically the person was not out sick but merely out of office. This technicality seems... dubious. And while asymptomatic does happen, that person probably would have been into work if they were truly without symptoms. But hey, could be.
So wether you agree or disagree with wether they did all they morally could have done as doctors or business owners To keep their patients and clients safe and feeling secure, let it be know that technically they have done all they ethically had to.
She also told me that as of our talk king county had yet (What would be day 21 from exposure) to contact them for contact tracing or with instructions, etc.
I wonder if king county hasn t been in touch because the person was only technically out of office?


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