4 years ago

A while back state regulators fined Universal Prop...

A while back state regulators fined Universal Property for violations including delayed payments for approved claims. It paid nearly $1.3 million and agreed to change business practices.

Our claim started 2019 November
> 2+ hours of inspection of home
> waited 90 days
> only approved 10% of our claim
> wanted a re-inspection after the 90 days
> THEY ONLY STARTED TO NEGOIATE when we hired legal help.
> They sent more inspectors and engineers for more inspections
> They are so busy with ongoing lawsuits, next available time for deposition is next year (2021).

Too busy with lawsuits....I think its time for the state to step in. Please join me in calling our local state politicians on these people.

Edit 5/19/2020 in response to the owner's claims:
The mention of the past applies because your company is pulling some of the same tactics it got sued for....change in management...sure...but bad practices seem very similar. As for hiring a PA, it is due to your past history and current lawsuits, however, Universal could have responded faster than 90 days, but instead took the full 90 days to come back with a very low ball offer (approx. 10% of our claim). As far as your response to our claim, it was insulting....(the reason we had to hire attorneys is that your response was unreasonable, for example, we cannot find a licensed electrician in the state that will work for the rates Universal used.) The hours your inspector spent in our home, only to make us wait 90 days for a low ball offer was not a result of lawyers or a PA, I believe it was a result of BAD FAITH insurance practices that this company continues to use.

To whoever is reading this and is considering this company...DO YOUR RESEARCH, don't take my word or this company's word...please do your research...I wish I did.


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