4 years ago

I began seeing Wagner following a car accident.

I began seeing Wagner following a car accident.

He was horrible to work with. Insensitive to pain, rough adjustment techniques, arrogant, refused to listen, constantly talked over me when I tried to explain anything to him, etc... I finally started seeing Dr. Sisek, but that day I had to see Scott.

I told him that I hurt my knee. He LITERALLY didn't look up from his paper, dismissively waived his hand and said "Just ice it."

I was disgusted. As I was checking out I asked to speak with the office manager. They had me talk to Rikki. I explained everything concluding with "And if you really want to make me happy, you can tell Dr. Wagner to go 'F' himself." (Not the smartest thing in hindsight, but I was fed up and the knee thing was the straw that broke the camel's back).

I was later notified Wagner had apparently (maliciously) cleared me from injuries d/t the wreck. My sacrum was so bad, he said that's why he hadn't been working on it. Dr. Sisek said it was so painful and tricky to adjust because it was rotated & twisted. I wasn't even down to being able to see him 1X a week. And I'm CLEARED?

She said Wagner thought I wasn't doing my exercises; I was OVER doing my exercises, d/t misinformation.

I asked if I could do 1 rep of 30 instead of 3 reps of 10 and Ben said yes. Mind you, these weren't slow/gentle exercises. I had 4 weights @ 30 reps. My muscles burned. That's how I'm used to exercising. 2 other doctors said I shouldn't have been told it was ok. I was doing my exercises.

I had 3 of his $20 ice packs cause I lived on them 24/7, I was in so much pain.

Went to see another chiropractor with NASA technology, and she didn't even feel qualified to treat me.

The knee? Thank God I went to an M.D. I had to get a $700+ knee brace because of a torn LCL, courtesy UVA.

He compromised my case, I was never able to get the treatment I needed, and I'm still in pain.

Edit: 1.2.19
After my review the staff felt impugned to call my mother (I'm 41) threatening that they had called an attorney and wanted me to pull my review.

After assuring her not to worry & everything was factual, I tried reaching out to the office. Mainly, to tell them not to harass my mother.

The office mgr promptly hung up on me. I called back. Kristen hung up on me as soon as I said my name. Both calls were recorded.

I'll be reporting this behavior. I also told mom to give them my number and it was STRICTLY for the attorney's use.

If the truth in a review causes you to have to call an atty, somethings wrong.

Edit: 3rd hang up, by Rikki. Trying to give her my number to give to the "attorney." (Recorded).
Edit: Hung up on after hours, less than 1 hr before opening.
Edit: Investigation w/ Va. Dept. Health Professions

Update 3.11.19
Days after confirmation from the VDHP investigation Kristen (who I found out was his daughter,) got an OOP and 2 charges were filed.

The police weren't interested; Wagner went to the magistrate to file a complaint. Anyone can do so, with no supporting evidence.

1 charge was calling a number w/ intent to annoy. The other was using an electronic device to hurt a business. Both false. They modified the latter to stalking! How do you get from using a phone to annoy to stalking?

They also reported I "had to be escorted out by police officers." Guess they don't mind lying about cops *or* to them. Lol, I'll pay them $25,000 if they can provide a police report verifying that.

Aside from Civil and Criminal Court, he's also committed egregious,undeniable, indefensible, federal felonies*, as well. So he'll also be in Federal Court.

All this to get a 1-star FB review removed.

No wonder he has such good ratings on FB. There's nothing he won't do to bury anything that exposes his inner nature and actions demonstrating malpractice, misconduct, negligence, or antithing related.

I won't bend, and with the pathetic and ill-conceived measures he's demonstrated, he clearly can't break me.

*Documented within the legal system, already. Ironically, by his own hand!

Update: Lawsuit against Wagner pending.


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