Erica 7Cups

3 years ago

This was the worst facility I have ever been to a...

This was the worst facility I have ever been to a psych ward would have been a better experience than here. I arrived early Friday morning. Upon arrival, I was handed an N95 mask and told I had to wear it because I was new and one of their new admits had covid and exposed staff. Not a great way to start the admission process... following this, I was told I had to quarantine in a townhome until my covid test was clear. No one told me this before arriving. For the first day, two other girls were in the townhome with me. For the second day, I was all alone in a huge townhome. A suicidal person being left all alone is inexcusable. On this day as well, I wasn t provided with any water and when I questioned the water situation, I was told to get it from the fridge that s water and ice didn t work. Meals provided with no water. During this day, I decided I wanted to leave. I begged and begged to sign a ATA/AMA form but they told me I had to do a safe discharge plan prior to. What they don t tell you is you also have to wait 72 hours to discharge a voluntary place should NEVER require any sort of wait... sounds like a legal battle waiting to happen. I was also refused medical attention when I requested to go to the hospital for chest pains as I have heart issues. I was told it was just anxiety from their lovely doctor. On my third and final day, they allowed a client to smoke indoors in the group therapy room. They also allow underage smoking (federal age is 21 and 18 year olds were vaping and smoking). They have absolutely no structure here, either. Upon discharge, I read an email that said Can someone convince Erica to stay so we have 11 people instead of 10? . They didn t care about me. They care about their numbers which is unfortunate. If you re looking for a mental health facility, stay far away from this one. All you can do here is smoke all day long. The groups were unstructured, some were via zoom, some in person, some two hours long, some an hour... No schedule was ever provided to me either. I also feel like I should add, you may be housed on the top floor of a townhome which requires you to climb 5/6 flights of stairs WITH luggage in tow! They do not allow us to use the elevators here, which is also pretty petty. I hope someone can step up and help this facility because it has potential to be beautiful but it s currently struggling and I would never recommend this facility to any friends or family. As I mentioned previously, I have had better experiences at psych wards than I did here and that s pretty sad to say.


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