Eddie Grim

4 years ago

If you are looking for a college, I would suggest ...

If you are looking for a college, I would suggest finding another one. I've taken 4 semesters here and this was the worst. The faculty here cares more for their money and not the student s safety, or even academic success. Since I have been here I have seen multiple people leave due to these facts, I am done myself, and it has gotten ridiculous. I'll explain: One teacher thought it would be good to have a live demonstration during class of what we observe, and what we miss for a social experiment, the experiment was of two people slamming a door open, yelling at the class, and throwing foam balls at people. Being an Army vet I almost attacked the teacher s friends, kind of like I was trained to do. Another student was also a vet he had to leave after the episode, his anxiety sky rocketed, and he couldn't finish the class due to the experiment, The only thing we herd from the teach was "I forgot to tell you guys I am sorry". Honestly what would have happened if we attacked the teacher s friends before we realized it was just a played out scenario from our studies? We would have both probably went to jail for assault due to the teachers negligence.
Another thing (Veterans will understand the GI Bill) the main office of the VA had payment issues, I was unable to get my books in a timely manner, it took 8 weeks, that s half a semester with no books. I was asking if they could do anything in regards to helping me, they could not. They have some programs to help students, yet their programs did not work for me, and they were unwilling to help find a way to help me succeed. I fail all my classes due to their negligence. I was going to make photo copies of another student s book just until I got my book money to buy my own books, they said they would get me for copyrights infringement. So their plans did not work and my plan was thrown out even though I planned on buying the books as soon as I got my money, I have never failed 4 classes in a row, hell I never failed a class I had to physically attend either. I also had a teacher get his feelings hurt due to difference of agreement, I was removed from the class, and had to finish it online. Not once did I disrupt the class, nor did I ever present myself as a threat. The teacher lied to his bosses and they cared not of what I had to say about the matter. I am also in another class the teacher did not do her job properly and blamed it on the students, that it was our fault she failed as a teacher. This teacher also failed to upload multiple student grades as well. I missed a few classes and one small pop quiz, I needed to at least do some work, to show the VA I was at least making an attempt, even though they failed me. The teacher left many grades as a zero, I think this was also due to me being a Christian and believing in Jesus Christ, she believes Darwin s theory, and made many hurrahing statements. Yet again the instructor s bosses cared not and allowed another teacher to do what they wanted.


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