Nasser Al-Hanna

3 years ago

Wow what a place. They will never turn you around ...

Wow what a place. They will never turn you around and never judge you. This is a place where you to if you need help or are looking for ways to help the community. You can volunteer your time and help give away medical materials that are needed to help IV users not spread diseases and also to train and pass out Nalaxone kits so you can save a life if the time comes when you see someone OD off of opiods.
I have seen miracles come out if this place and this place is a safe haven for the homeless and the users who need an AC when it's hot outside or a chair when it's freezing outside. Unfortunately, they ended up losing the place over a month ago for reasons that are not of my business. But I hope they get another chance because I've seen more good than bad for this place. Enjoy it while you can.


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