
robert gourlay

3 years ago

As not only a participant... but a recent graduate...

As not only a participant... but a recent graduate i would personally like to say that the only reason im alive today is because of CDTC. At the beginning it mayve been for a get out of jail ticket, but when released found out very quickly that this mistaken notion was very incorrect. I was expected to live a proper way of life, give up crime, do my best to remain off of drugs and adhere to a very strictset of rules that i found out everyone in the world is apparently obeying. So if that isnt for you than maybe the above statements are correct.
The drug court staff were and are absolutely integral in my continued sobriety. With first hand knowledge of not only addiction, criminal thinking, but actually amazing people that genuinely have lived the life and walked the walk...and made it out the other side. If you are truly seeking a way out of the spiral of addiction and crime... and feel u may be ready for the incredibly hard work that its gonna take to do it... than i highly suggest finding out more about drug court.


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