4 years ago

I loved Intercon. That's past tense.

I loved Intercon. That's past tense.
In 2015 I had worked as security for Caltrans in Fresno and lost the post because Caltrans had A.) A faulty fence in the backlot, and B.) on weekends they worked with criminals doing community service. In my perspective it was either an inside job or the criminals who did community service that broke into the lot and stole valuable equipment which was noted on my night shift.
I wasn't even aware that valuable equipment was stored in that backlot as I was never notified they were kept in locked sheds.
My issue is they should have installed security cameras in that backlot long before that incident if valuable equipment were stored there if, at the time, my required duties were driving through there every hour for ten minutes at night. That's Caltrans fault.
After that I was removed to work in a remote area of Mendota on temporary basis until they found me something closer to Fresno. After four years of a long continous commute and frequently requesting a reminder I wanted something in Fresno through FAX but receiving no answer I was finally removed from that post after my area went through several supervisors and the supervisor at the post claimed I showed disinterest. Really?? I was lied to or forgotten after four years of faithfully attending that post, and no one from Intercon contacted me about it until they received that complaint.
When they moved me back to Fresno, finally, they said I was still collecting complaints from supervisors in new posts.
Meanwhile, Intercon of Fresno was losing contracts right and left to companies with a better more affordable bid since state offices were given a right to choose their own security services individually.
Finally, because of a misguided supervisor at DMV office on Blackstone ave., they laid me off.
I had worked for Intercon for nearly 20 years and never received a complaint or write up until that incident at Caltrans. I could tell by my own observations that Intercon was going downhill by mismanagement. I heard from another security employee that Intercon of Fresno wasn't even fighting for our jobs against other bidding companies and the offices they were holding on to by the end of 2019 in Fresno was a few dwindling DMV offices that was keeping them on.
I had loved Intercon for nearly 20 years, and in many ways still do, even though they had a reputation of suddenly changing schedules, expecting you to report to a call off on your days off, no matter how far, and siding with every meager complaint rather than trying to iron out the issue of the problem.
I'm afraid Intercon deserves to lose all the Fresno contracts that they did.


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