4 years ago

This was the WORST experience ever! I have been in...

This was the WORST experience ever! I have been in Iraq and Afghanistan (multiple times) in overcrowded medical tents and received better care than we did in this hospital.

Our Experience:

My husband was rushed to this hospital via ambulance after a motor vehicle accident (he was NOT driving) and my daughter and I followed behind. The first two hours, I asked multiple times for a nurse who finally showed up. She administered pain relief and left. 4 hours later (6 hours into the visit), my husband became thirsty. He requested a nurse via the call button, the nurse never came. He requested a nurse twice more, only to be hung up on by the station attendants which ENRAGED ME. I walked to the station and asked why my husband had been ignored and hung up on, no response but a blank stare. At that moment, I realized I was dealing with incompetent and extremely unprofessional people. I informed them we were leaving and the assistant (or nurse, not sure) said fine, you're leaving against medical advice. I stated, "okay, that's fine". As I walked out. I saw Michael, the individual who showed me where to find my husband when I initially arrived at the hospital. I informed Michael we were leaving and he told us my husband needed his IV out. Another individual walked up stating, "we were just coming to see you!" LIES...LIES..LIES and this is why I say they LIED... As we walked backed to the room to remove his IV I asked Michael for the Patient Advocate. He stated he was the Patient Advocate but offered me the Director's telephone number (Johnny Williams). As we entered the room, Dr. Bay accosted us stating she was going to come back when she received results which had not come yet (that's the lie I mentioned earlier). Also, it was 0648, shifft change was at 0700 (the lies). She then stated my husband was inebriated (what does that have to do with treating my husband professionally AND if he was THAT inebriated WHY DID YOUR NURSE ADMINISTER 4 MG OF MORPHINE, ZOFRAN AND ANTIBIOTICS)??????? She kept talking to my husband as if he was HER CHILD and I was not going to tolerate that foolishness much longer. I told her how I felt and told her I WAS NOT going to argue with her. Being the PETTY M.D. that DR. BAY is; she kept repeating, "And I will not argue with you..." I was thinking, "OMG, whatever." Another RN asked someone how long he's been waiting for CT results, someone responded, 4 hours and 58 minutes. I walked out of the room and she followed, STILL TALKING TO MY HUSBAND IN A CONDESCENDING TONE...I told her to STOP. Michael, my husband, my daughter and I walked away and she yelled, "I'M GLAD THEY'RE GONE!" WOW, JUST WOW!!! I asked Michael, the Patient Advocate, If he heard that and he stated yes in a disappointed tone. I told him I would be contacting Tricare (I'm an Air Force Retiree with 20+ years of service) regarding any charges for services NOT rendered and that I would never go back to that hospital. We left and went to the Colliseum and was treated immediately in a very professional manner. Because they took over 7 hours to even treat my husband, his swelling was too severe and they couldn't suture him up properly. Now, he must see a plastic surgeon to correct his injuries!!! They need to FIRE Dr. Bay, she's awful!


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