Review of The fishwives

4 years ago

pretentious little place, but that's about it.

pretentious little place, but that's about it.
the physical store looks like a small neat butchery, but looks are deceiving.
there is nothing special that the competitors do not have.
what they have is a horde of foreigners running the whole operation.
try ordering online when their overlords are not watching.
they will switch up planned delivery dates and times to their liking, take up a condescending "take-it-or-leave-it" attitude.
if you have to speak to them on the phone, you will be greeted by a rude foreigner from a nearby country who will insist on their way and ignore the customer's convenience.
they forget that they owe everything to Singapore and the Singapore dollar.
you have been warned.

reply to their reply:
I have visited their place, and my family members have made multiple purchases. Each time hoping for improvement. Do not put words in my mouth.

This little operation is ignorant that it has multiple competitors with even better products.

If you are afraid of 'vindictive reviews' , which are more accurately described as truthful, then don't be on google.

Be professional, not passive aggressive. A shame.


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