Beezi Craft

4 years ago

I have tried contacting Hudson Henley on several o...

I have tried contacting Hudson Henley on several occasions regarding one of his properties (Tel-Star Apartments) or now known as (Vernazza Apartments) his leasing office manager at this location is unprofessional and I'm not even sure if he knows what all is being done on his property. Black mold is all over our apartment so bad that my baby niece who lives with me has been hospitalized for upper respiratory infection and we just found out that we are not the only ones who have black mold problems. Apparently it's all over this property. I have called the city of Dallas and they came in and took pictures of the black mold and every security hazard there is here. He told me he doesn't even see how this randown apartment complex passed inspection because how bad it was. I contacted the health department as well. I've brought this to Lori's attention many times and she doesn't care... As a matter of fact when she called me into her office to "talk", she did not know but I took my recorder with me and I have a whole 45mins of her being off the wall unprofessional! Cursing, laughing, sounding like she's on 10 hydrocodones/pain pills. She needs to go to jail for being on drugs while at work. There is so much more but I have reached out so many times and nothing is being done by Henley Properties.. I never received so much as a call back or anything. So I'm handling this lawsuit my own way now, Ive contacted an attorney because even after all these problems.. I received fake made up violations becsuee Lori has been trying to get me removed because I expect her to do her job and handle problems that her paying tenant is having. NEVER have I been late on rent not even once and I've been here for 9 months now! My lease is supposed to be up in September 2018, but she's already given me my 3 day vacate notice on the door and when I called to ask what the last made up violation was for, she told me "unauthorized tenants" and I asked who?! She responds with "you aren't even on the lease." This is SO illegal beyond words. I signed the lease, I paid ,$45 for my app fee and I keep a paper trail because of scams like so. She also told me I'm getting evicted because she's ,"tired of it." Like I said, I have a long recording of her and that alone is enough evidence of who she really is. In the recording you can hear her clear as day saying "Who said I was professional?!" She is rude! She discriminates against me and my girlfriend because we are gay. She also discriminates against you for not being Mexican. Something is going to be done because now I am being wrongfully evicted !


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