Wesley Kim

4 years ago

It is Friday night, you're stumbling back home at ...

It is Friday night, you're stumbling back home at 1 in the morning and you're too far gone and much to proud to open your top pantry cabinet and bust out that flavorless excuse of ramen college kids peddle off as an "experience" and you want something hot, fast, and tasty. No this isn't some awkward sex review, I am talking about pizza! Pizza by the slice, so you don't have to commit to a whole box and buy an engagement ring for it, unless of course...you want to.

JB Alberto's was the first place I ever ate at when I moved to Rogers Park seeing how it is about a block and a half away from my residence and I have come to appreciate how close I live next to it. They have regular thin crust and they have pan pizza. For the most part, both are not bad, it isn't really made up to be something like other typical Chicago pizza like Giordano's and I am grateful that it isn't.

The sausage on the sausage pizza has a nice, meaty, somewhat but not really spicy bite to it and on good days, the cheese oozes and the crust has that good snap. On not so good days, the pizza has been sitting under the heat lamp way too long and has that dried cheese taste that reminds me to gargle at night twice. Other food they have such as their wings, mac and cheese bites, and appetizers are...nothing out of this world, I usually just come here for lazy lazy lazy days where a quick bite of pizza is in order.

Would I make a long trek up here if I didn't live close? No. I wouldn't so if you think its worth the trek...personally I wouldn't say so.

The good: pizza by the slice (ranging around 3 dollars), nothing mind-blowing. Think of it as utility pizza.
The not so good: their other food is somewhat...meh but hey, it's known for pizza. Who cares. Oh and the prices on the board for pizza by slice may not be up to date.


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