Kelly Chiarilli

4 years ago

MOLD! You would think that if a tenant has a mold ...

MOLD! You would think that if a tenant has a mold infested wall, verified by the 2 different restoration companies they sent out, they would feel some sense of urgency to get it fixed considering the health risks. Especially since there was a 3 1/2 year old toddler sleeping right next to the wall. But not this HOA. After 2 months of waiting, of taking off work to meet restoration companies and the roofing company, living with half of our living room tarped up, continuous water leaks just making the mold worse and the damage worse, we got fed up and had to break our lease early.

This started in February with the rains when we noticed bubbling in our wall. This leak was caused by a hold in our upstairs neighbors windowsill so it was the responsibility of the HOA, not our landlord. They sent out their contracted roofing company who was horrible, caused damage to our upstairs neighbors ceiling and balcony and didn't even locate the leak. My husband and neighbor finally located it and after getting fed up that with no one coming to help us they performed their own temporary fix to keep any more water from coming in.

We had to wait for the HOA to meet and approve the repairs which they did after 2 weeks. Then we tried to schedule the roofers to come out to fix the leak so that the restoration guys could fix our wall. We had a huge industrial fan in our living room running and increasing our electricity costs. We had an HOA board member actually visit our house to see the wall and within a minute he said "yah, this needs to be fixed immediately". Still nothing happened.

We called and were given the run around. Then we got a new contact at the HOA who assured us we would be taken care of and all would be handled ASAP. Again, nothing happened. Meanwhile all 3 of us have been getting super sick, which could be from the flu/cold season or could be from the growing mold in our wall that just keeps getting worse. Restoration company had to come back out and do another quote because the wall was worse. Still NOTHING WAS DONE!!!

We eventually broke our lease early and moved because I was worried about the health of my little girl. To say that this company was inconsiderate and rude is an understatement. The roofing company came out several times to fix leaks in other neighbors homes but not ours. I'm so thankful we are out of this place but feel very bad for our landlord who lost out on an additional months rent not to mention we had every intention of resigning our lease. Now he has to wait for the wall to be fixed before he can even rent the place out again. HORRIBLE COMPANY!


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