Karimah IzLovely

4 years ago

Karen is simply the best instructor you could ever...

Karen is simply the best instructor you could ever dream of. Bold, attentive, frank, and compassionate are the words that describe her personality completely. Do the online lectures ON-TIME (you ll see how it benefits you in many ways), pay attention to the lectures in class, if you don t understand something say something she won t bite (if she raises her voice a little bit or curses it s because she cares & really wants you to understand the material), don t look up everything online you have your textbook and class notes for a reason, everything Karen tells you to write down and says it will be a test question....it will be....so write it down and study it. It s the little things that you think you don t need to focus on because they don t seem major that will end up being exactly what you should focus on. Take heed, participate, listen attentively or you ll miss something important, get your health forms in, pay attention at all times during lectures/practicals/& your ambulance rotation, be respectful of yourself and others because you will be touching people s bodies, wear comfortable & appropriate clothing, don t be afraid to speak up because out in the field you can t be shy to speak to others and you ll meet different walks of life. You really will be confident with the material you learn and perform once you keep practicing and realize your strengths and weaknesses so you can spend more time on what you are not strong in. The main thing is to keep Karen posted about where you are as far as what you understand and don t understand and she will guide you along the way. Also, don t be afraid to pull her to the side and talk to her about anything going on in your life outside of class because she cares enough about you to converse/reason with you. She ll be like a second mother to you...at least that s how I feel....... good luck guys. Also Annie, Laurie, Moshe, & Yosef are good instructors and they re passionate about their field of work.


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