Ashley Gentile

3 years ago



I stayed at this hotel for just 2 nights. So first off when I arrived and checked in they gave me the wrong room and when I went down to talk to the lady at the front desk she told me they were sold out of what I paid for l, so I talk to the manager and she fixed for me. Then after that happened , me and my boyfriend left for pretty much the whole night. Mind you I check in at 230pm and left the hotel by 4 to see the city and stuff. We were outside for 6 hours shopping and what not. We come back to the hotel around 1030 11, when we were walking in from out side. There security guard had just arrived to work and with in 10 minutes of being back and laying in bed to GO TO SLEEP.. I get a phone call from the front desk. When I answered the phone I get accused of smoking in my room. Well first off I dont smoke, secondly my boyfriend does but he was well aware of smoking outside(which he did since got there). So she tells me I'm smoking in my room, I tell her I'm not and she continues to tell me that I am then hung up on me. So I walk down stairs and asked her about it and she says I was smoking and I told he again I wasn't and then she still Continues to tell me I was and was going to charge me for a smoking fee. I wanted to talk to the manager and she wasnt there. I also asked her why she didnt knoxk on the door and ask she said becuase I had a sign on do not disturb.
Ok that's fine but if I'm "smoking" in the room why didnt u knock. Bexuase I would have gladly let her In and showed them.. but anyways, So the next morning I go down and talk to her, explain what happened. She tells me that the lady made a mistake and she was sorry they are sorry for it happening and they offered me free breakfast (which was disappointing and disgusting that would have been 19 dollars, I'f they didnt get it to me for free). Then later that night she was working again and couldn't apologize to me but she can write it in a note and have her manager apologize for you. And Then I go to check out and leave I get in my car (but to mention I had a cup of change in my car when I let them take it, which was full of change for about 7 dollars or so.) When I go to leave and driving half way on the other side of the city I needed some change for a parking spot and I realized that the valet guy had stolen all my change. So pretty much this is a horrible hotel and there valet steals from customers. Didn't think I couldn't trust the people who are supposed to be taking car of my car. But then again why should I trust anyone. But this is not the beat hotel to pick. So if you dont have to then dont.


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