Scott Weaver

4 years ago

I had to take my daughter to CMC Emergency room Ma...

I had to take my daughter to CMC Emergency room May 23 11p for vomiting and dehydration. She was sitting in the waiting room vomiting bodily fluids in a wicker waste basket we bought from home. When I asked the receptionist if we could have a more private spot I was told "there is no room." When we were called back for her vital signs to be taken I asked the nurse if we could stay in the back because my daughter was vomitng her guts out and I was told NO... I HAD TO GO BACK TO THE WAITING AREA...with a wicker waste basked full of vomit.
When we get to an ER room we sit for a while...now mind you...my daughter is dehydrated and dry heaving. Then when a nurse comes in...for the next 2 hours several nurses poke my daughters arms and hands looking for a vein...2 hours people...a Dr comes in takes a look at her and tells the nurse to go thru the neck if they cant find a vein...he never returns. The nurses continue to pokes my daughters hands looking for a vein. Finally they found a vein and left 2 other needles (not being used) in her hands for 3 HOURS...I have pictures. This is PITIFUL. Then the room is freeeezing...my daughter is cold and I am cold. They give us a couple of warm blankets after REPEATEDLY asking for them...it is still freeeezing...WE ARE TOLD WE CAN HAVE NO MORE BLANKETS.
We have been in the hospital several hours now...I go out to the rest room to wash my hands and face and there is a drunk ***hole in the ER hallway cussing and staggering arounD the ER sayng rude comments to me and anyone else around...wheres Security?
When I come back from the restroom they were in the room getting ready to wheel my daughter out saying the need to check her stomach. They return in a bit...I am not told what the flip they are doing; I dont think they know what they are doing. I ask what is wrong and am not given an answer.
Another doctor comes in looks at my daughter and leaves. 8 hours after being in the most God awful conditions a doctor pokes her head in the room and says she WAS going to release us BUT a more urgent emergency came up. Really?! Enough is enough...I went to the nurses station; told the head nurse my daughter needed to go home and was told that she could not release her. After I told her we were going to walk out if she did not release us and I was going to report the hospital she released us
A few days later I get a bill from the hospital and I call my insurance BCBS and I am told my hospital (only) ER visit is $11,000 plus dollars!!! Really?! for what?! I am livid; reporting the hospital for excessive charges, horrible, unethical, unprofessional, unorthodox treatment. This is a crime against not just my child BUT all the people that need care.
I am Praying that maybe now I will get a return call from the CEO of Cartersville Medical Center...something needs to be done about these excessive charges and LACK OF medical attention. Deserves a MINUS STAR for ER care...that was not available; of course
Laura Weaver


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