Kaushik Pattanaik

4 years ago



I recently took the Sebago Water Sport package from you. I'm sorry guys but it was not upto the mark and was not something friendly or as seen on the website. I would like a refund of my money and my time.

a) The package's worth is $30 or more on the website than Offline at Key West. I was surprised that you are claiming you are offering the cheapest price online but their exists another price offline.

b) The most important parameter for which I went Sebago was I heard that they are very cooperative. But the staff was very rude. Not the ones on the ferry (The folks on the ferry were good, also the ones on Parasailing), but the one on the barge (extremely arrogant). Let me explain. First thing, the confirmation letter that you sent, clearly says that to operate a Jet Ski one has to complete the course. I completed the course worth $35 but it was never mentioned on the confirmation that one has to know swimming. The staff at the barge wanted swimming experts to operate the JetSki. Not only me a number of other folks were unable to operate the JetSki. Well this was the only reason people spent money on Sebago and the $34 course. If this is something you guys cannot provide, I would have opted for FuryCat. I went their last time and they are very convenient.

c) The place where Corals were present was very poorly decided. There was no initial training for how to operate the snorkel. For first time users, it was very difficult.

I would not write much. I DID NOT have fun. The only exciting part was Parasailing and Kayaking. Apart from that, the package was a total waste. I did try to communicate to the Management over an email, explaining them about this issue but I received no response.



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