4 years ago

Horrible experience. We paid some $2500 for a tabl...

Horrible experience. We paid some $2500 for a table thinking that we could have a great time on my buddy's bachelor party. Everything went as planned - great service, very polite waitress and nice ambiance - until one of the bouncers decided to be the macho man.

Our bachelor decided to lie down on the seat (this is at the very table we paid for.) Then out of nowhere a bouncer came and yelled at him " GET THE FU** UP ". Yes, he did say the "F" word.

Sure we understand that you cannot go to sleep in a club. But that does not give him any right to disrespect anyone by calling "F" word. It could have been something like "you can't sleep. get up".

So we confronted him by asking why he was being so rude. Then he realized that he had stepped over the line and got very defensive. Then the whole drama started. He called the backup by speaking to his radio and the entire bouncer gang stormed into our table making it a huge deal. We tried to explain what happened ( how the first bouncer been so rude for no reason ) to the head bouncer thinking some justice might come out of it. Well, we were wrong. That guy was as rude as they come.

He not only defended his fellow bouncer's behavior but also asked us to leave the club for confronting the bouncer over his actions. So basically the only thing we did to deserve this treatment was to stand up to ourselves against ill-treatment of that first bouncer.

Anyways, we are regulars in Vegas and usually, we prefer table services to have a hassle free party experience. But after this incident, we really going to rethink about our future Vegas party experience. Apparently even after paying $2500 can't guarantee you a simple polite human interaction from a bouncer. Where is the Vegas we knew?


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