4 years ago

Up until my last two visits, I would say everythin...

Up until my last two visits, I would say everything was fine; I had 2 wellness check-ups, and I had an IUD insertion procedure (all covered by insurance). Due to a suggestion by my Endocrine doctor that my IUD was possibly causing my weight-retention issues, I made an appointment to get my IUD removed.
On the phone I was instructed that I should just, "speak" to Dr. Sekine; a 10 minute discussion about it, before I do this procedure. When I showed up, the nurse at the check-in asked me how I would be paying for the appointment-I was speechless. I was speaking to the doctor for 10 minutes-pay what?! $125.
Thankfully, I have an HSA account but that's still money that was taken from MY paychecks and pre-taxed.
Anyhow, I have that 10 minute conversation and the conclusion from Dr. Sekine was that the IUD doesn't cause weight-retention and instead I should pay $350 for the bloodwork testing for food sensitivities. I've been struggling with these issues for about 3 years now so I am desperate for answers. So I then made that appointment to get the blood drawn.
I'm now at a total of, $475, for those keeping track.
When I show-up at the office to get my blood drawn, I stop Dr. Sekine in the hallway and ask him how I would get my results; I did this in front of the nurse taking my blood. I bluntly ask him if it will be another "chat" costing me an additional, $125. He tells me that no, it will not.
Fast-forward 7wks later (not the 6 I was told it would take for results), I do not give the nurse at the front desk my credit card, I get my results, and I'm told that I needed to log into a portal online to get "pharma-grade" probiotics because I'm severely blocked. That will cost me in the ballpark of around $300 for shake powder, vitamins, and about 2wks worth of live cultures. What a giant scam. I've already spent $475, and I'm supposed to believe that basically, "magic live cultures and probiotics" are going to amazingly allow my body to shed the pounds? Mind you, I'm 5'1 and around 133lbs. I'm not morbidly obese by any stretch of the imagination, only about 20 very stubborn pounds. So, I'm sorry but I find this incredibly hard to believe, and after researching the products found on this website, there are literally no other places to get these items so there is no where to look up reviews or see results from others. How am I supposed to know if this is just another toilet to put $300+ into?!
Broke and upset, this still wasn't over.
Two more weeks later, I get an email saying I indeed owe Dr. Sekine that $125 for the most-recent office visit. I call the office, I get a voicemail, I tell them the Dr. Sekine told me that no, that visit was included, and I'm called back by a woman that is dumbfounded and tells me that she spoke to Dr. Sekine, and office visits are ALWAYS the same amount.
Speechless, and crying at this point, I'm so utterly upset that I was lied right to my face by Dr. Sekine, and I plead with them telling them that I cannot afford another $125 that was literally for 10 minutes! That's more than a therapist! I'm put on hold and the woman speaks to the office manager. I'm taken off-hold about 5 minutes later, and apparently the office manager says that they would knock-off half for the "miss-communication".
I'm not stupid, I know the conversation that I had with Dr. Sekine. I also did not appreciate being patronized, but, if I fought the claim with my credit card company, it would bounce-back to the office, it would then be sent to collections, and my credit would suffer immensely for $75. I work hard for my money, and my credit, so, unfortunately, I ate it. All, $550.
Bottomline, if the office manager was able to remove half of the costs (and especially if they spoke to the nurse that was present at the time I spoke directly with Dr. Sekine), they could have taken the entire amount off my record.
You're going to be placated to, and spoon-fed what you want to hear. I won't be suckered like that again, and I was utterly foolish not to get Dr. Sekine's words in writing.


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