3 years ago

2 hours of public transport to learn that visits a...

2 hours of public transport to learn that visits are no longer possible and that I have not been informed !! It's a shame, and I was not the only one in the lobby in the same situation this afternoon !!

The President of the Republic clearly recommended not to reproduce the same mistakes with the elderly as during the first confinement. But my poor mother has not been entitled to visits for 2 weeks, and the day when we could finally resume visits, I am told that a new ban on visits for 2 weeks was decided. Which will make a whole month.
So I say it: I would rather my mother died of Covid than alone in her room losing her mind because of loneliness. You impose your vision of death on the elderly and leave them no choice.
We can't wait to get her out of your hospital.

That this crisis is not simple is a pleonasm. You are not the only professions affected. But it is precisely at such times that you should accompany families. Excluding communication with the medical profession is zero.
Our mother returned to your hospital in good health, following a simple operation on the neck of the femur. She has declined so much since arriving home that her health is worrying. A shame therefore for a hospital to leave it in worse condition than when admitted. I will be the director of a hospital I would find that worrying.

Last question: since visits had been banned for two weeks, who other than the hospital could have infected the patients?

Despite this management by the management and the doctors, a big thank you to the admirable staff of compassion and kindness. The reception staff, the switchboard, the social worker, so many dedicated and always pleasant people when they are on the front line of decisions that go beyond them.


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