Monte Mohr

4 years ago

Michelle Broadbent is an incredibly loved and resp...

Michelle Broadbent is an incredibly loved and respected business and life coach. I met her about 7 years ago at a time when my life was anything but successful. As a matter of fact, I was about to loose my own home to short-sale or foreclosure. As a real estate professional, I cannot begin to explain how low that possibility made me feel. Nevertheless, I agreed to meet with Michelle because I noticed she was walking out what she teaches her clients. Half way into our initial meeting she asked me what my long term financial goals were. I said to earn $500,000 annually. She said why not do that this year. After picking myself up off the floor for evening considering the idea, I took on her challenge and signed up for her coaching. A commitment at the time that seemed impossible to justify or afford. Long story short, with her coaching, mentoring, educational material and holding me accountable to my goals, I exceeded that $500k goal that year. I do not believe that would have happened if it were not for her coming into my life when she did. Thank you Michelle. Thank you SouthWestern Consulting. I will be forever grateful for all you have done in my life.
Monte Mohr
Broker Owner
Realty ONE Group Music City
Franklin Tn.


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