Richard Wesley

4 years ago

I checked into hotel on Saturday and immediately w...

I checked into hotel on Saturday and immediately went to my room. Once in the room I immediately started to feel sick. I looked around and noticed what appeared to be mold near the back wall of my bed and in the bathroom. I decided, it would be best to take pictures to show to hotel staff/management. I began to have a difficult time with breathing and stuffy nose and decided it would be best to gather my belongings and go report this incident to registration. Upon reporting my story to a lady at registration she then escorted me to the VIP registration office. I was giving a verbal report to the gentleman working in the VIP registration and he proceeded to interrupt me and stated " I am sympathetic that you are sick from the room but we are not responsible for any hotel guest sickness." I tried to explain to him about how I felt and what I witnessed with the room but all he could say was that "all of our rooms are similar." At this time, all I wanted to do was leave the Rio hotel and find another hotel. I asked the gentleman if he could assist me with calling another Caesars Entertainment hotel to check into for the remaining days of my stay. The gentleman said " I will call for you but like I told you earlier, it's not our fault that you are sick and we will not reimburse you for your two nights that you booked here." Needless to say, I was very confused and disturbed by his comments. Once again, all I wanted to do was leave this hotel due to being sick and find a different location to stay. Not one time did I mention anything about reimbursement or wanting anything free. My concerns were my health and preventing anyone else from having a similar experience. The gentleman never onced informed me about filing a complaint with security. Upon catching an Uber to the next Caesar entertainment hotel the nice young lady at registration showed great empathy and concern for the experience I just endured at Rio hotel. She called the Rio hotel to report my incident. It was not until then that I was told by her the proper protocol for filing a complaint with security at the Rio hotel. Upon this young lady calling the Rio hotel we were then put on hold to talk to security. I informed the young lady that I was feeling very sick and she then wrote the phone number down to security at the Rio hotel for me to call later. I called the Rio hotel and was told by someone in security that I would need to come back to the Rio hotel in person to file a complaint with security. I informed the worker in security that I could not come by in person due to feeling sick and I gave him my phone number and email to have a supervisor to follow up with me immediately. It is now days later and still no communication about my incident from security. I had to cut my trip short and fly home due to me being sick from the Rio hotel. I am personally very hurt and confused about the lack of concern and treatment from the staff at the Rio hotel. I will never stay at the Rio hotel again. Where is the customer service and concern for all guest at the Rio hotel. I am a Caesars Entertainment Platinum Total Rewards member and was still treated like I did not matter. I was told by an employee at the Rio hotel that this type of behavior and lack of concern happens way too often. This particular employee informed me that they believe that management at the Rio hotel shows poor customer service to any guest with an issue/concern ever since the rumor has it that the Rio hotel will soon be "torn down" for the new baseball stadium. FYI, please avoid and do not stay at the Rio hotel due to poor customer service and safety issues/concerns.


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