Kevin Ortiz

3 years ago

I went to the radiology department for an epidural...

I went to the radiology department for an epidural injection in the L5-S1 vertebra by Dr. Michael J. Marks. Before the procedure began, I informed the radiology staff that I was in great pain, that I could not stand upright or lay prone and requested a pain reliever before the procedure as I knew I would have to be prone on the procedure table which would cause pain. I was denied any medications. I was in placed on the table in a prone position with a cushion under my hips which caused such excruciating pain my body started to shake involuntarily. The epidural procedure caused even more pain to the degree I thought I would pass out. After the procedure the body tremors continued which baffled the staff. The doctor that performed the procedure never assessed my condition or spoke to me after the procedure. The staff stood around with confused looks on their faces and didn't know how to proceed. I was placed on a stretcher and taken to the ER where the ER personnel had no idea why I was there. It was evident that the radiology staff did not tell anyone in the ER what had happened during the epidural procedure and why I was transported to the ER. I had to explain to several staff members assessing me what had happened. My vitals were taken, IV fluids started and blood drawn for lab work. The tremors continued and the on duty physician assistant PA Michael R Chaikel authorized morphine which did not stop the tremors. The vitals and blood work all were normal. Chaikel made a comment that he thought the tremors were voluntary alluding to the fact that I was faking the symptoms to get pain medications. I was given a prescription for gabapentin and was told they don't know what's causing the tremors, to go home and if the tremors continued to come back to the ER. Yeah, right...


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