Vicky Xiao

3 years ago

It was the WORST hotel that I have ever stayed in!...

It was the WORST hotel that I have ever stayed in!!!! The attitude of the staff was HORRIBLE!!!!The staff was extremely RUDE!!!! He treats my friend and I like we were trash!!! (The way he talks to me sounded like I own him a million dollar. I don't know if there is any race issue...to make him treat me like that!) It was 12:00am, my friend and I was on the phone with speakers on. We were just talking with normal volume (phone on volume 2 only!!!). We didn't raise our voice or anything. Then, we receive a complain about the "noise" that we are making by two hotel staff. I know that they have a "night's rest policy" (googled it) about the noise. When the staff was talking to us, he sounds so angry. I apologized at first even though I didn't think I have disturbed any one because we wasn't being loud at all!!! The reason why I apologized is because it is the manner to treat other people!!!! The staff said:" you are being loud! I will stand in front of the door and if I hear any thing I will KICK YOU OUT!!!!!" (he points his index finger at me while he is talking to me) The other staff in black suit was standing behind him and he is so much calmer than the staff who was talking to me. I was like : huh....is that how this hotel train their staff to treat their guest?! What I want to say is IF I have done anything wrong, I am so sorry about it! However, the more important thing is that I treat him with manner and I expect he do the same. While he is accusing me with being loud at night, he was talking ( more like yelling, hurts my ears) even much louder than I was!!! So, IF my voice have disturbed other people, I don't think he is making anything better here!!!! Another thing is that I have read through most of the comments of this hotel by other guests, and I have found out a lot of complains about how bad was the staff treating other guests. Everything that the general manner said was they were truly sorry about the unpleasant experiences..... I mean, if they have found out their mistakes, please work on it and try to improve their imperfections instead of just saying sorry by words but not feeling sorry by heart. There is no meaning of shutting people up because they have negative comments toward the service, people will find out about it eventually, and when that happens, the reputation of the hotel is only going to be worst if they don't fix the problem! Once again, no matter if I was right or wrong I Apologized, and I apologize again here. At the same time, I think the hotel staff who talked to me owe me an apology as well for being so rude to me. I mean you don't normally talk to people like that (with that attitude!!!), at least show some respect like any human being would; I was being polite during the whole situation, so I feel like I should be treated the same. It is extremely rude to point at people, even my 4 years old cousin knows that let along being a well educated staff of a high quality hotel. He didn't even dress properly, he is wearing a white shirt but he did not wear his blazer ( isn't it all the hotel staff are required to wear proper suits? or is it just what I have seen since I was born.........). People did not pay this price for this kind of service here. I am really disappointed with this hotel's service, after all it is a 4.5 star hotel. I wish the person who is in charge of the staff training can know about this and try to make improvements to make this hotel better especially the ATTITUDE, if the staff is experiencing any unpleasant things in life please recommend them to see a psychiatrist or help them to control their emotions better. Is it ok to raise rage toward hotel guests as a hotel staff? Anyways, I really do not recommend this hotel to anyone who wants to stay at Downtown LA until the service have been improved, there are a plenty of amazing hotels out there at this price range.
P.S. If my normal talking voice can create such a huge disturbance (everyone have said to me to talk louder because they can't hear me) , then the sound barrier material is garbage in this hotel.....


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