Moon Tube

3 years ago



I have not been their and I want to be a model and actress but here is the real gig even if you get signed go! This is not a scam my parents work hard and I want to help them by making money Denver is such a popular city and listen to this term It takes money to make money
I dont know about any people their but how do you know that they are just as rude inside the building where the work gets real listen if you want to be a model do it if you dont like Wilhelmina then guess what your just not ready to go into the reality of being a model or actress and i want to go to Wilhelmina because i want to be a model and actress so bad so if this agency doesn t work out which (i have hope i will get in)
i will just go to another agencie Oh,
And how do YOU know it really was a scam atleast they were nice enough to give you a contract!

This is the reality of wanting to be a model go to auditions face reality by speaking calmly and talk nicely then you won t have SO MUCH DRAMA
Please just read this carefully im not trying to sound rude but if you wanna be a model/actress your gonna have to face the money being taken away and yelling and crying but please if you think you dont have what it takes to be something you dream of being then ok leave it behind after reading liars and scams but listen to this carefully you lose money to make money, you can be anything you wanna be and chase after your dreams even if people say dont do it its a scam
I hope after you read this you will be assured that Wilhelmina is not a scam its just reality... thanks for taking your time and reading this. :D


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