Christina Horton

4 years ago

Our son passed away here at this hospital. As a mo...

Our son passed away here at this hospital. As a mother I will never get past losing him, having a loss to this degree is something that we as humans can not physically comprehend or understand because the pain is so unbearable. I wake up every night thinking it was all just a nightmare, but it wasnt. I wish I could go back in time and have just one more minute with him, i just want to hold him one last time and I would give anything for it. I wish I could show him how much I love him,although I know he knew how much we loved him I just wish I had more time with him.

Now your probably wondering what this has to do with a review of the hospital.

On the day our son passed we say at the hospital for several hours as tests were ran to try to get us answers, a hospital social worker sat with us as well others. But the doctor never made time to come talk to us as parents, we were told "he has no answers" and the doctor refused to speak to us. He never once made any time to talk to us at all. At first I was upset but numb and extremely emotional however over time this has never left my mind, how could an emergency room doctor not make time to speak to the parents of one of his patients who just passed? The social worker tried to be supportive however nothing would have made the pain any less that day or any day going forward. But as a person I think this review should let you know that the doctor never once spoke to us all we saw were trauma nurses and even as we sat in the quiet room no doctor ever spoke to us, even after repeated requests the doctor refused.

Thanks for reading this.


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