3 years ago

I am a public school teacher at CMS. My first year...

I am a public school teacher at CMS. My first year working I was required to have a physical completed including blood tests.

As a teacher in CMS I have state insurance. My Copay is $40.

I go to my doctor's visit. Pay my $40. Go home thinking everything is fine, then bam. Get sent a bill from the hospital for $160. My insurance denied covering my regular doctor's visit.

Call hospital and they tell me they don't know why. Call insurance they tell me the hospital coded the visit wrong. I go to my doctor, I go to the billing department, I call the insurance company over and over again. NO ONE gave me any advice, just flung their hands in the air and said "sorry, not my problem ask someone else".

Think about the ridiculousness of the situation. A public school teacher gets denied coverage on a required visit and must pay out of pocket because NO ONE in the system wants to admit they messed up. They have since sent the bill to a collections agency. I really did not want to pay out of principle but I am seeing that it is hurting my credit. So I give up, you win Atrium. You win America's bloated and convoluted healthcare system.


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