Angela Sutherland

4 years ago

if you are getting an annual physical at Wax Med G...

if you are getting an annual physical at Wax Med Group duct tape your mouth, look straight ahead, and DO NOT ANSWER OR ASK ANY QUESTIONS or its not a physical. I was visiting my surgeon in the building who told me to get a physical since it was covered with my insurance. He sent me upstairs to Waxhaw Medical Group.The person at the desk said he could get me in with the PA right away for a physical. I was very clear that I was SENT upstairs for a PHYSICAL that is covered under my insurance. Apparently, (and they have this noted) a physical was done but the PA asked me about weight gain and since I asked a general question about menopause she had the visit billed as a regular office visit. Not to mention the LAB lady took my blood and started asking me about something unfamiliar...whooPs..wrong patient and laughed about it then had to re-label my vials. Said "This is why we have to ask your name'. My insurance and I both disputed the coding. So, I paid all my bills to my surgeon but Atrium now bills a "single" amount due for all. I paid Atrium and they APPLIED my payment to Waxhaw Med Group since it was the OLDEST unpaid even though I had no intention of paying them, was disputing the charges, and the short pay was 'coincidentally' the same amount as the Waxhaw Med Group bill. (facepalm...!)Atrium says they might not be able to re-apply my payment correctly and now I owe my surgeon!!!! Atrium tells me to take it up with the practice but the practice has told me twice now to take it up with THEM. The practice desk also says they have no notes about my disputes even though I end conversations with 'Do you have it on record that we discussed this?" uuurgghhh. such a headache. even my insurance company says this is ridiculous. This is WHY I avoid going to the doctor unless I broke something or its life or death. its SO stressful. I SO miss private practice and despise HOSPITAL sYSTEMS


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