Rob Cairns

4 years ago

This facility is selling CPAP (a fan in a box), th...

This facility is selling CPAP (a fan in a box), the greatest con in the history of medicine. If you ask what your options are you will not be told.
This sleep centre has 6-8 beds, near 100% occupancy 365 day/year at $1000/night. That's around $2,920,000 per annum just for the sleep test.
The toilets and rooms in the sleep centre smell of stale urine.
My results had several errors which the specialist failed to notice @ $400+ for 15 minutes of his time.
INSTANT remedy:
1. Raise the head of your bed 6 inches,
2. Have a standing fan ($30) blowing gently across your face all night. Far healthier than a fan in a box with a tube growing mould.
3. Try to sleep on your side


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