Earnetta McDaniel

3 years ago

First before everything else let me make you aware...

First before everything else let me make you aware the hotel itself is simply beautiful, my first night there while at the pool area we had two situations 1: one of my friends went to the bar to be served after standing at the bar for quite some time she came back to join our group upset because she had not been waited on so I said to her I would go to the bar to get her order to not let it ruin her night, while I was at the bar the bartender proceeded to do the same thing with me so I called him on the situation and I was served 2: after obtaining the order from the bar area I returned to my friends once I returned I saw a section that was open that had been rented but the guest had left the area so I asked the attendant/waiter if we could have that area I was told we couldn t because the group that rented the section had the area for the entire day after settling there for a while I saw another group come in looking for somewhere to set, I picked up the menu to order from the bar area and I see the poolside areas are not in fact rented for 24 hours they are only rented until 6:30 then I see the exact section I questioned about setting in being split up for another group, so I went to the bar to speak with a manager, upon doing so I discovered the manager was in fact the bartender who was deliberately not seeing patrons with melanin in their skin, he then offered a free cabana/drinks/food that actually upset me even more, because first of all I was there with a group of guests that had traveled over 15 hours to get there we had rented 7 rooms in this lavish hotel to be treated with disrespect, I quickly reassured the manager we didn t need free food or drinks, I asked to speak with his boss I was then approached by the GM and very quickly he proceeded to do the exact same thing his bar manager had done which was to offer free food and drinks, again I explained to him we didn t travel this far and pay as much money as we were paying because we were looking for free food and drinks, I then proceeded to explain to him we wanted the same service everyone else was receiving, after speaking with the GM for awhile and getting no where I asked my friend what did she want to do; we were both getting frustrated so the GM says well when is your sons birthday, because somewhere in the conversation we shared we had come to celebrate her sons 40th birthday which was going to be the coming up Wednesday so the GM said how about we send him a cake, me and my friend were both tired of talking with this person in the suit and tie so we said ok, the GM assured us this was the first time anything like this had happened and he would speak with his staff, about 30 minutes later her sons wife comes to the pool area with a picture of the cake that was sent by the hotel probably not 15 minutes after speaking with the GM, that showed me he could careless about the conversation he had with us, no thought what so ever; just send them a piece of cake to shut them up, I was livid this was a once in a lifetime trip to have something so racist and belittling happen. Like I said before the hotel itself is beautiful but the vibes you get inside is very indicative of the south .


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