4 years ago

My mom was admitted over night here last night & s...

My mom was admitted over night here last night & she never wants to come back. She has been in other hospitals & THIS rates the worse . There are NO face clothes or towels in the bathroom in her room. Theres NOTHING to hang her coat on, she was never given a hopsital sack to put all her belongings in. I brought her a face cloth from home so she can wash her face this morning & brought some plastic bags to keep her stuff in. There was no type of hygenes given to her IF she wanted to shower. (I'd have to bring them too) The board in the room still has YESTERDAYS DATE WITH YESTERDAY NURSES NAME ON IT! They cant give her the medicine that she is PRESCRIBED & SHE TAKES AT HOME EVERY DAY so she will go **without** her medicine till she gets home I guess (she doesn't live here) She was never given them "hospital non skid" socks that most hospitals give. I brought her a normal pair but she couldn't wear them on this floor, it'd be too much of a risk for her to slip & fall. There's NO volunteers here that bring around books/magazines etc
I brought her a "word search" book from home. Anyone that comes here that DONT have family here or someone to being them stuff they NEED they will be absolutely MISERABLE in this hospital until they leave. There's no extra gowns or nothing in this room! There's room for a family member to stay over night with your loved one but you got to bring your OWN pillow if you want one, I asked for one last night & NEVER got one so I had to roll up my moms coat & my jacket & MAKE me a pillow. We will NEVER COME BACK to this hospital No telling HOW MUCH they will bill insurance for this stay. Unbelievable


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