Kel Moy

4 years ago

what is going on here by now 2016? the place is be...

what is going on here by now 2016? the place is behind the times. the research seems at a junction. more fancy construction of edifices to make us believe this place is all that the reputation is supposed to be. i have questions about the research. also the campus here is so serious. i do not even see anyone reading the materials that the biomedical library keeps on the shelves. i was going regularly since i was 17. it was within walking distance to my house. i was not ever invited to a high school party and did not notice. but i was not considered smart or much of anything. i am a homeless woman who likes to learn at libraries and i can't stay at jobs too long because i am shafted into entry level jobs constantly. i guess i never developed that phony confidence it might take to be a physician. i wanted to be on the medical researcher track since 7th grade. i would rather be influencing millions upon millions than only those within my own practice. i have to go to my dentist office like a complete failure in my adult life, only to have the teeth scraper trying to encourage me into going to UCSF's teeth scraping program. soon the jobs of physicians are largely going to obsolete. i take solace in that they would no longer be able to do no harm. if only i or someone else intervened sooner. this school is a sham

to Jamie L, I wish i could have invited you to recouperate over at my house over the hill from ucsf. or warned you and my other friends not to go here. i think they experiment on people here. stay away


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