
jonathan warren

4 years ago

If you are going to be going here to have your veh...

If you are going to be going here to have your vehicle serviced, be sure you have your warranty documents in order as you cannot rely on them to look out for you.

We had to have a vehicle serviced for a broken radiator fan. The car was purchased in 2016 with extended warranty at the time of purchase. When the car came in, we were advised it would be about $2500 for all repairs needed and that the warranty had expired. We took their word for it at the time because, you know, who wouldn t assume that the dealer you purchased the car and warranty from, would have the wrong information in your file After having the repairs completed and paying for the service, we began reviewing all documents and as it turned out the car WAS covered under warranty still and would be for another few months.
After calling the warranty provider myself to confirm, I called back and advised them. They acknowledged that it was in fact covered and at this point we had to submit a claim for reimbursement. We were then notified from the warranty provider that due to the fact that the The labor times the dealer charged are higher than the nationally recognized labor guide. So the labor covered is less than what they charged you. (this is an exact quote) we would only be reimbursed about $1850. We advised them this and they then proceeded to issue a reimbursement for the additional labor costs I say proceeded and not completed because before reimbursing us, they first double charged us for the additional costs
After all of this, there was still a charge for a coolant flush that would not be covered by the warranty provider. One would think that they would, immediately offer to wave this however after MY inquiry, we were offered an in store credit of $100. I spoke to both the service adviser and the service manager, stressing to them how concerned I was that had I not noticed their issue; we would have been out of pocket then entire cost. They said they would look into what happened and that they immediately correct the issue. I assumed that this would be taken seriously.

Fast forward 3 weeks and the check arrives from the warranty provider and of course, luck would have it, there is another issue with the car. When we got the call about the issue, we were told it would be about 320 to fix. I asked if it was covered under warranty and, I kid you not, I was told once again, the warranty on the car has expired.
I spoke to the service manager again, asking how this is possible that my records were not updated and asking how they can be sure that this has not occurred with any other customers when, unless I brought it up, they would not have known. I was told that it was a one off and that it was only an issue with our account; I asked again how they could be sure and what they were going to do to make sure that this is not the case with any other customers. They said they would look into it . I also brought up questions about the labor rates and if customers were ever made aware that their rates are higher than then recognized guides that was answered with well we service newer cars, so our rates are higher . Not sure how that really applies but ok .

I was then asked, If I wanted help with the cost of the issue , I said sure since the car couldn t be moved until it was fixed. About 15 minutes later I get a call bad and am told they are going to take off $150. Not immediately stated however was the fact that this included the 100 they already gave as instore credit so my discount was a whole $50 dollars.
At the end of the day, do not expect that even though you bought the warranty from them, that they will make sure they protect and look out for you as a customer. I am pending their results of looking into it and hope that they can provide a legitimate explanation because this type of issue seldom occurs to a single record in a system.

Make sure you know your records and have them on hand or don t be surprised if it turns out they charged you for something they should not have.


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