
ellen Lee

3 years ago

I am the mother of student - Minjae (Korean)- who ...

I am the mother of student - Minjae (Korean)- who attended the junior program at the ELC in July/August 2019. I choosed ELC given ELC has had a great reputation as a quality private English provider over the last two decades. Minjae had an amazing time and expereince at the ELC, which helped him not only in improving his English skill but also in building up his confidence. He made many friends and had so much fun with students came from all different countries such as France, China, Laos, Veitnam, Germnay etc etc. (great mixture of nationalities!!) They even hang out after school or on the weekend to spend time and do activities together. He still stays in touch with them and looks forward to catching up with some of them again soon.

I believe that this could be a life long lesson for kids to learn and understand muticultural environment, different cultures, people, languages beyond just studying English. Big thanks to ELC for looking after kids so well ensruing they had a amzing time there! .


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