Cindy Tatum

4 years ago

My boyfriend and I were here last night for a Hall...

My boyfriend and I were here last night for a Halloween party. We're both professionals who live here in Manhattan & usually love coming to The Gansevoort. That's why we were excited to buy VIP Halloween tickets. Approximately one hour after being there three extremely intoxicated guys were pushing their way through the crowd and started a fight with my boyfriend. I got thrown to the ground as did he. Our costumes were ruined. When someone was able to help me up from the floor I grabbed a security guard and begged him to help us. Instead he told us that we had to leave and proceeded to escort us out. I tried to explain to him what happened, that out of nowhere, my boyfriend was sucker punched and me & him were thrown to the ground, and all he asked was, "well did you fight back?" I said we tried to defend ourselves against 3 extremely aggressive intoxicated men. He said, "if you fought back then you have to leave." Respectfully we left, but I'm extremely upset on how we were treated. Our entire night was ruined. I have an enormous black and blue knot on my knee & another on my forehead which I may need to seek medical attention for & my boyfriend has a swollen cut lip.
Being asked to leave when were we innocent bystanders in the wrong place at the wrong time, minding our own business were physically assaulted is unacceptable!!!!
I don't usually write reviews, but this experience should not go undocumented. I am extremely disappointed in the Gansvoort staff for placing blame on us instead of protecting us. We were treated like trash and thrown outside along with these violent men, further jeopardizing our safety.
I work for a five-star hotel in Manhattan and specialize in hospitality and this kind of treatment will not be ignored. I wanted to share our experience in hopes that this review will open the eyes of management & reprimand it's security guards for not doing their jobs- which is PROTECTING their guests!


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